Clear Lake Oregon Fishing, Camping, Boating

Mount Hood Oregon
> Lakes Rivers Falls
> Clear Lake

Clear Lake

One of several lakes known by the same name in Oregon, the Clear Lake in Mt. Hood National Forest provides camping, fishing, and RV sites in a gorgeous lakeside setting near Timberline Lodge.

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  • Located 12 miles SE of Government Camp in the Mt. Hood National Forest.
  • Open mid-June – September for a maximum 14-day stay.


Near scenic Mt. Hood and its famed Timberline Lodge, visitors looking for camping facilities, great fishing, and hiking trails will be pleased to find the U.S. Forest Service campground alongside Clear Lake. Just 12 miles SE of Government Camp, this scenic mountain snow lake has 28 campsites, each equipped with a picnic table and fire ring. A boat ramp offers easy access to the lake for boating and fishing, and RVs up to 32 feet can be accommodated. Forest Service fee rates apply with a 14-day maximum stay; firewood also can be purchased.

Viewed from above, Clear Lake appears in the shape of a bird, appropriate considering the wealth of birds and wildlife in the area.

Location & Information

Clear Lake and the adjacent campground are located 12 miles SE of the Mt. Hood Villages town of Government Camp. Take U.S. Highway 26 SE from Government Camp to Forest Route 2630; turn right and travel south about a mile on FR 2630 to the campground loop on the east side of Clear Lake. The campground is open June 15 – September 30 and closed for the winter months.

Campground reservations may be made by calling (877) 444-6777.


  • Swimming
  • Boating
  • Fishing
  • Hiking

Fun Facts

In the fall, Clear Lake is a good place to hunt for wild mushrooms. Mushroom aficionados will find chanterelles and boletus aplenty during the month of September.

Other Clear Lake Resources

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Stunning lake along the June Lake Loop in California.