Goldendale Observatory State Park, Washington

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> Parks
> Goldendale Observatory State Park

Goldendale Observatory State Park

As you ascend the hilltop on Observatory Drive north of Goldendale, Washington, it’s hard to miss the distinctive dome of the Goldendale Observatory—this designated State Park facility is your gateway to the stars.

  • Located on a hilltop above Goldendale, Washington, the Goldendale Observatory is just north of the Columbia River Gorge via Highway 97.
  • Public viewing sessions allow visitors to observe and explore the cosmos through various telescopes.
  • Summer and winter hours vary; call (509) 773-3141 for information.


Whether you’re an amateur stargazer or an experienced astronomer, the Goldendale Observatory State Park has something for you. This public stargazing facility has formed a center for learning and exploring the heavens since 1973. A number of telescopes, including a huge 24.5-inch scope, provide visitors with the means to discover and explore the skies. A knowledgeable docent supervises the facility; he gives a brief talk before each public viewing session and is available to field questions.

Location & Information

Goldendale Observatory State Park
1602 Observatory Drive
Goldendale, WA 98620
(509) 773-3141

Reach the Goldendale Observatory from Hood River by taking I-84 East to Biggs and crossing the Biggs Bridge via Hwy 97 into Washington; travel north to Goldendale. At the Goldendale Observatory sign take the first exit right into Goldendale (Broadway); go 1 mile to the four-way stop, turn right, go north 0.7 mile to a fork in the road. Take the right fork; continue 0.7 mile up the hill to the Observatory parking lot.


The primary activity to experience at Goldendale Observatory is viewing the cosmos through multiple telescopes. 

  • Summer Program: Summer hours are April 1 – September 30, Weds – Sun, 2:00-5:00 pm (solar viewing) and 8:00-midnight (nighttime celestial objects viewing).
  • Winter Program: Winter hours are October – March, Fri – Sun, 2:00-5:00 pm and 7:00-10:00 pm.
  • Interpretive presentations are given prior to each viewing session.
  • A library on-site offers the chance to study astronomy.