Koberg Beach, Oregon

Mount Hood Oregon
> Parks
> Koberg Beach

Koberg Beach

Spectacular Columbia River Gorge has its share of beach access along its Oregon shores; Koberg Beach Recreation Site is one such spot, providing a welcome oasis for travelers westbound on I-84. Read More

  • Located 3 miles east of Hood River on Interstate 84.
  • Beach access on the Columbia River provides opportunity to swim, fish, boat, windsurf, picnic, and enjoy the view.
  • Open year-round for day use only; no fee.


Travelers westbound on Oregon’s Interstate 84 near Hood River often stop at the Koberg Beach Recreation Site, which offers a wayside rest area. Some may not know that Koberg also has beach access where visitors can swim or windsurf in the Columbia and enjoy a picnic.

Location & Information

Koberg Beach Recreation Site can be found three miles east of Hood River right off Interstate 84. A large rock formation screens the beach access area from the freeway. This park is open year-round for day use and free to use. For information, call the Oregon State Parks information line, 1 (800) 551-6949.


  • Swimming, boating, fishing, and windsurfing in the Columbia are available from Koberg’s beach access area.
  • Restrooms and parking make Koberg a popular rest stop.
  • Sightseeing: Bird watching and views of the Gorge’s volcanic rock formations.

Fun Facts

From about 1915 – 1950, Koberg Beach was the site of a resort and huge swing dance hall enjoyed by Hood River residents. The resort had to be demolished to accommodate the rising river after Bonneville Dam’s construction. Photos chronicling the resort’s history now reside at the Hood River County Museum.