Wygant State Natural Area, Oregon

Mount Hood Oregon
> Parks
> Wygant State Natural Area

Wygant State Natural Area

Wygant State Natural Area on Oregon’s scenic Columbia River Gorge is one of three state parks set around Mitchell Point near Hood River, where trails access the Gorge’s wild beauty.

  • Wygant State Natural Area offers a scenic trail along the Columbia River Gorge where hikers can get close to nature.
  • Located 7 miles west of Hood River and accessed from I-84 eastbound at Exit 58.
  • Day-use only and free; call 1 (800) 551-6949 for information.


Hiking is the primary purpose for visiting the Wygant State Natural Area, and backpackers often traverse the trail through this Oregon State Park. A segment of the Historic Columbia River Highway, closed to vehicle traffic since the 1960s, forms the first portion of the Wygant Trail. This scenic path was once a part of the famed Oregon Trail, and was donated to the state of Oregon by the locally prominent Wygant family.

Location & Information

The Natural Area is located 7 miles west of Hood River and accessed by Interstate 84’s eastbound lanes only (Exit 58). Wygant is open only during daytime hours, and free to visit. For information call Oregon State Parks at 1 (800) 551-6949.


  • Hiking: The Wygant Trail stretches across the Natural Area, providing panoramic Gorge views and deep-forest nature hikes.
  • Wildlife and bird watching: A variety of rare and indigenous Northwestern birds and animals frequent the area.